With the mind of a writer who sees the world through a different lens, Patricia Olson continues to ask, “What if …?” Her child-like curiosity gave you Frumpy, The Pumpkin Who Missed Halloween, now she brings you Tall Jay. Where do her tales come from? Sometimes they fly in the open door of her office. Yes, one day a blue jay flew into Pat’s office squawking for peanuts. Thanks to her creative pen that blue jay became Tall Jay! She shooed him back outside, said “Thank you for the story,” and tossed him a peanut. Now you can read his story.


Pat is a member of SCBWI (Society for Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators) and currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Friends of the Kaufman Brentwood Branch Library in West Los Angeles. She also produces the Pat Pincus Poetry Fest for the Library each August.

The kid that lives in Pat’s mind took her through a successful career in advertising with Ted Bates & Co. in New York, writing and producing TV commercials for Marx Toys and other clients. She had the unique ability to view the toys through the eyes of a child and now uses that insight when writing children’s stories.


Pat is a graduate of Adelphi University with a B. A. in English. She is married and lives in West Los Angeles with her husband Roger and “Patches,” a very spoiled 80 year old tortoise. One day Patches might just crawl into one of her stories. To top it all off, this petite lady is an instrument-rated pilot, holds a black belt in Judo, and is a poet. Her writing richly reflects her compassion, her sense of adventure, her unique imagination and her deep understanding of what appeals to children.


You can reach Pat Olson at ltlpmo@aol.com